Q: How does Acupuncture work?
A: Acupuncture improves blood flow and reduces inflammation that can cause pain, stiffness or discomfort. My style of treatment also turns off the body's "fight or flight" mode and turns on the "rest and recovery" switch, allowing your body to de-stress & gather the resources to heal itself.
Q: Do you have experience treating fertility, women’s health and offering pregnancy support services?
A: Yes! This is a very large percentage of my practice and I have lots of experience in this area. Check out my testimonials page, as well as google business reviews for what some of our moms have to say about their experience here.
Q: How often should I come in?
A: Most conditions require 4-12 total treatments within a 2-6 week time frame. It’s very common to experience relief during your first visit. Results are easy to maintain with 1-2 return visits per month once symptoms calm down. Fertility support and pregnancy services are a bit more specialized, but generally require fewer treatments per week over a bit longer time frame.
Q: How long does my appointment last?
A: You should rest for 25-30 minutes for Acupuncture. A lot of folks feel sleepy and choose to take a nap while they are here. Dry needling is more direct and generally takes just 5-10 minutes.
Q: What does Acupuncture treat?
A: The most common issues treated at the clinic are:
Obstetrics/Prenatal Care, Labor Induction and Breech Baby Support
Men's and Women's Sexual Health, E.D., P.E. OBGYN Issues, Fertility Support
Allergies, Headaches, Migraines, TMJ, Vertigo, High Blood Pressure
Digestive Problems, Nausea, IBS, Crohns
Stress, Depression, Grief
Hot Flashes, Night Sweats, Heart Palpitations
Autoimmune Conditions: Lupus, Lyme, Thyroid, Rheumatoid Arthritis
All types of pain. Sciatica, Low Back Pain, Neck Pain, Knee Pain, Shoulder Pain, Frozen Shoulder, Muscle Sprains/Strains, Joint Stiffness, Arthritis, Plantar Fasciitis, Carpal Tunnel, Golfer's Elbow, Tennis Elbow, Joint Stiffness, Post Operative Recovery,